Corporate Memberships

The Discovery Center’s visitors are today and tomorrow’s workforce

With a Corporate Membership, you have an opportunity to provide unique and affordable benefits to your employees, their families, and your business, while providing the next generation with fun and engaging STEM education programs that inspire them to pursue a career in science!

Corporate Memberships help support the Discovery Center’s daily operations

As a member, you’ll receive the benefits listed below for one full year from the time of your contribution, with the option to annually renew your gift to extend your benefits, and we are more than happy to discuss alternate benefits, to ensure your membership is the best fit for your company.

Our Corporate Members

Corporate Membership Levels

    • Press release to local media featuring your support

    • Recognition as a sponsor with logo in monthly e-newsletter, on homepage of Discovery Center’s website, on the Discovery Center’s front desk welcome screen, and at AerospaceFest, our annual celebration of all things STEM which attracts 400-600 visitors

    • Recognition as a sponsor with your company name displayed in the planetarium theater before shows, in the Discovery Center’s annual report, and in one dedicated social media post

    • One free full-facility rental, one free Function Room rental, and 15% discount on any additional facility rentals

    • Option to have the Discovery Center bring an educator-led program to your corporate event, such as Telescopes-to-Go or the Traveling Planetarium

    • Free general admission and planetarium show tickets and 10% discount in the Science Store for your employees and up to 4 guests

    • Recognition as a sponsor with logo on homepage of Discovery Center’s website, on the Discovery Center’s front desk welcome screen, and at AerospaceFest, our annual celebration of all things STEM which attracts 400-600 visitors

    • Recognition as a sponsor with your company name displayed in the planetarium theater before shows, in the Discovery Center’s annual report, and in one dedicated social media post

    • One free Function Room rental and 15% discount on any additional facility rentals

    • Option to have the Discovery Center bring an educator-led program to your corporate event, such as Telescopes-to-Go or the Traveling Planetarium

    • Free general admission and planetarium show tickets and 10% discount in the Science Store for your employees and up to 4 guests

    • Recognition as a sponsor with logo on the Discovery Center’s website, on the front desk welcome screen, and at AerospaceFest, our annual celebration of all things STEM which attracts 400-600 visitors

    • Recognition as a sponsor with your company name displayed in the planetarium theater before shows, in the Discovery Center’s annual report, and in one dedicated social media post

    • 15% discount on facility rentals

    • Free general admission and planetarium show tickets and 10% discount in the Science Store for your employees and up to 4 guests

    • Recognition as a sponsor with logo on the Discovery Center’s website and on the front desk welcome screen

    • Recognition as a sponsor with your company name displayed in the planetarium theater before shows and in the Discovery Center’s annual report

    • 10% discount on facility rentals

    • Free general admission and planetarium show tickets and 10% discount in the Science Store for your employees and up to 4 guests

    • Recognition as a sponsor with logo on the Discovery Center’s website and name displayed in the annual report

    • 5% discount on facility rentals

    • 15 one-time admission passes, for free general admission and planetarium show tickets for employees and one guest

    • Recognition as a sponsor with logo on the Discovery Center’s website and name displayed in the annual report

    • 10 one-time admission passes, for free general admission and planetarium show tickets for employees and one guest

    • Recognition on the Discovery Center’s website and in the annual report

    • Subscription to the Discovery Center’s monthly e-newsletter

Looking for other sponsorship opportunities?
We would be happy to talk more with you about ways to get involved!
Contact Melissa Edwards, Executive Director, at or call 603-271-7827 x120.